Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Exploring the northern highways

We started out with a stop at the Shania Twain Centre in Timmons which was surprisingly inspiring. Stopped at the mini mall to get some more trashy camping food and then went on to Iroquois falls to see the falls that have now been turned into a hydro electric plant, kind of dissapointing. The lady in the convenience store apologized for the name of her town and we went back to the highway.

Next up was Cochrane where we didn't go swim with the polar bears but did swing on some giant swings until we were sick. See polar bear picture above.

Then we found some popsicles as it was a million degrees(29 celsius) outside and went swimming in a lake outside of Smooth Rock Falls(also no water falls here).

Next up was Hearst which was looking a little abandoned as apparently the industry is majorly down and there are no jobs. So we passed on through and found a great provincial park to stay the night called Fushimi Lake.

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